1993 was an exciting year. The hot topic in the software press was portability. Everyone was asking, "What is the best way to develop portable applications?" Time and time again the answer was "zApp!" In 1993, we got some great reviews, won Editor's Choice Awards, and increased the number of zApp users worldwide tenfold. In short, in 1993 zApp established itself as the most popular portable application framework on the market.
If there is a reason that explains this incredible growth, it is that zApp gives you power. zApp does not simply give you portability to twelve platforms. It is a great tool in and of itself and it gives you portability to twelve platforms! And that power is self-evident: you can write a graphical "hello world" program in only 7 lines of code. That's power. You can bring up an entire spreadsheet grid with columns, rows, fonts, bitmaps and sizing to read and display a database in 100 lines of code. That's power. You can take that code and recompile it to run in X/Motif on a Sun SparcStation in a matter of 10 minutes. That's power.
Because of the uproar that zApp has caused in the marketplace, you'll be hearing more and more about portability. Other companies will promise portability somehow, sometime. Some will attempt to add yet another layer between the Application Framework and the Operating System API. Others, like the Apple/Symantec Bedrock effort (just aborted), may attempt a zApp-like approach, but in the end, it's the design that makes a great Application Framework. A great design can be a subtle thing to distinguish when first looking at and comparing different frameworks. But ultimately the design makes you want to use a tool. That's the reason why zApp has won so many awards.
More than most other types of software, we understand that when you choose zApp, you are choosing not just the product but the company as well. I am proud to announce that 1994 marks the tenth year of Inmark's history. I know it's cliche, but we did in fact start above a garage in New Jersey in early 1984. Ten years later we are in the heart of Silicon Valley and are preparing yet again to move to larger offices. Inmark first established itself as the leader in application software for the financial community and now our goal is to be the leader in application development tools. At Inmark, we believe that if we keep listening to you, our customer, our good fortune will continue. We look forward to bringing you more great products in the coming year.
Howard M. Love, Jr.
President and Chairman of the Board
P.S. Everybody says they care about the customer. That's why we have an open-door complaint policy. If ever you have a complaint or just a great suggestion about our service, you can take it straight to me, personally. Just e-mail me at howard@inmark.com, and I will see that your problem is taken care of. Because I believe that customer service starts at the top.
© Copyright 1995, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.